December 2021
Tools Used: Figma
Group Members: Anika Jingco, Kristen Chan, and Madeline Rubba
To demonstrate the system design of Amazonian deforestation, our group designed a poster that displays an in depth system map of the cause of Amazonian deforestation, the lasting impacts, how to protect and restore the Amazon Rainforest, how to promote this ongoing issue of Amazonian deforestation, as well as, a design intervention. We strived to design a very organic and natural shape of a tree that did not feel forced. The final design of the system is inspired by the shape of the Kapok tree, a tree that is native to the Amazon Rainforest. The branches of the tree worked as a structure for our layout of the 4 main discussion topics (cause, impact, restoration, and promotion), and the trunk and its roots inspired the layout for our design intervention. A legend is utilized to show the different connections made throughout the system and show the reader where topics are discussed in multiple sections, therefore showing the complexity of the system without overcrowding the delicate design of the system map. The design Intervention can be found in brown to create the trunk of the tree without forcing it into the conventional shape of a trunk. A colour palette of varying greens are utilized for the main information, as this would help signify the feeling of foliage. These colours are used on a dark background to create a bold and vivid final design that is still delicate and organic. The Immersive Exhibit can be found at the bottom of the poster as a timeline detailing the events that will take place over a span of 100 years if deforestation practices persist. The blue used is to reference the intervention being a blue sky idea. The final poster uses the type family Inter, and uses different type sizes and weights to establish its hierarchy. The type is centered to eliminate hard edges and to create a more organic shape for the tree. We also knew that we wanted to provide as much information as possible on the poster, in order to help promote the issues that the Amazon Rainforest is currently experiencing. We understood that although the visuals of the poster were very important, it was equally important to provide the viewer with as much necessary information as possible. By making the poster using 4 24”x36” pages, trimmed and pasted together, to create a final poster that is roughly 48”x 72”, it allowed us to properly space the information to ensure there is enough breathing room and the type is legible from a distance. Overall, our group executed a delicate and organic design that displays all the information we hoped to display without the design feeling cramped and crowded.