April 2023
Tools used: Photoshop, InDesign
This is my most personal piece of design I have created to date. Although the idea of a warped sense of self was originally inspired by the main character of the fiction novel Milk Fed by Melissa Broder, it soon spiraled into a personal testimony and journal of sorts about how it feels to identify as non-binary and my thought process behind presenting as feminine despite no longer identifying as a woman. The design of the piece is simple yet bold and typography based. The black and red backgrounds were intended to represent the urgency I felt when creating and sharing a story like this, however, the pink typography is meant to represent how I often feel the need to be quiet about these issues and how this truly is something extremely personal. This is why some of the text is difficult to read on the red pages with the dark pink type, it is so personal you would truly have to care to try hard enough to read.
The book also features a beautiful poem written by my dear friend AJ Lawrence, and it helps break up the two chapters within this book perfectly.